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COVID-19 Guidelines

COVID-19 Safety Measures Statement

The Health and Safety of our Participants, Trainers and our employees is our utmost concern. We are taking multiple steps to minimize the health risk to our participants, Trainers and employees. So please make sure you read the safety measures implemented and follow the guidance to help ensure social-distancing and hygiene.

Before Attending Workshop

  • Stay at home if you are not Well –  If you are unwell and tested negative, recently had a close contact who is tested positive for COVID 19, please stay and home
  • COVID 19 Test – Please make sure you do a COVID 19 Test 3 days before you attend any of our workshops. You have to bring along or inform us your result proof before attending Workshop.
  • You should be double vaccinated for attending our workshops


During the day of Workshop

  • Make sure you wear your facemask all the time during the workshop
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer regularly throughout the day
  • If you are experiencing any of the following, please do not enter the workshop venue. Fever, Cough with difficulty in breathing, been in contact with a person who is sick or suspected of having contact with a person who is tested positive. Travelled for overseas in the last one week
  • Follow all the guidelines recommended by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.