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Holistic Patient Care

This Workshop will highlight the importance of handling bed ridden patients and mobilizing them for preventing secondary complications and assisting them in their early recovery.



Participants will learn the skills of assessing the vital signs, analysing systemic and general disorders, wound care management, skills of bed making, training transfer techniques and mobilizing the patients using aids such as wheel chair, frames, crutches and canes. Understand how different health problems will influence the recovery process. The course is concluded by reviewing evidence on treatment parameters with hands-on skills training

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Assessing and monitoring Vital signs
  • Identify systemic and general disorders
  • Apply Skills of bed making
  • Understand and apply the skills of wound care management
  • Understand and apply the skills of transfer techniques
  • Understand and Apply the skills of mobilizing the patients using various walking aids


Who Should Attend?

  • Fresh Nurses
  • Nursing Aids
  • Health Aids
  • Care givers